Social Work » Social Work

Social Work

Tuscarora School District offers social work services at all grade levels to enhance home and school communication and provide supportive services to students. Please see the bottom of the page for community and social work resources.






Who are School Social Workers?


The Tuscarora School District employs three full time school social workers who bring unique knowledge and skills to the school system.  School social workers practice with the understanding that students are able to meet their fullest potential when their basic needs are being addressed.  School Social Work is a specialized area of practice within the broad field of the social work profession.  School social workers are trained in the skills needed to provide support through individual, group and family counseling, crisis intervention, case management, truancy issues, parent consultation, in-service training and parent education, prevention programs, conflict resolution services, multi-disciplinary problem solving teams, special education consultation and evaluations, and community-based collaboration.




What do students and their families talk about with the school social worker?

Decision Making/ Problem Solving
Grief and Loss
Drugs and Alcohol Awareness/Issues
Study Skills
School Problems
Conflict Resolution
Peer and Family Relationships
School Attendance
And more...
What services do School Social Workers offer?
Problem Solving Sessions
Case Management
Crisis Intervention
Group Work
Liaison with Community Partners
Referral to Community and Mental Health Services
Local Grief and Loss Services for Franklin County, Drew's Hope
One person can make a difference, and everyone should try. - John Fitzgerald Kennedy
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou