Fall Sports Registration Available


Interested in playing a sport this Fall at James High School & Middle School? 

The following FALL sports will be offered for the 2022 season.
Cross Country (Varsity Only) - Starting August 15
Cheerleading (Varsity & Middle School) 
Football (Varsity & Middle School) - Starting August 8
Golf (Varsity Co-ed) - Starting August 8
Soccer (Boys' Varsity & JV) - Starting August 15
Soccer (Girls' Varsity & JV)) - Starting August 15
Tennis (Girls' Varsity) - Starting August 15
Volleyball (Girls' Varsity & JV) - Starting August 15
The online registration has moved from PlanetHS to Arbiter Sports. All prospective athletes need to have a physical and complete the online registration at Arbiter Sports. 

To access, go to https://account.familyid.com

If you are planning on participating in sports this Fall the following are the directions for online registration.
  1. Go to the link above.
  2. If you don't have an account, click the "If you don't have an account, sign up" link at the bottom of the page. 
  3. Complete the necessary information and check the box to agree to the Terms of Service.  Then click the Submit button.
  4. The system will send you an email to the address you provided to confirm your account.  Click the link in that email.
  5. Then, log in to the system with the email address and password your provided in step 3.
  6. Type James Buchanan in the "I want to register for a program at:" box  then click Find.  
  7. Then, click "James Buchanan Athletic Department" link.
  8. Click the Fall/Winter/Spring Registration link to begin the registration process. 
If you have any questions, contact the Athletic Office at 717-328-2146 ext. 2210